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How You Can Use Technology to Land the Job of Your Dreams if You Have a Disability

an employee in a wheelchair working in construction with other construction employees

The job market can be a cutthroat arena that’s as punishing as it is challenging. And while most of us aren’t spared the difficulties of navigating such a world, it’s even tougher for people with disabilities. At last count, the unemployment rate for people with disabilities in the United States alone is at a whopping 8 percent—more than twice that of those without disabilities. This is alarming, especially when over 80 percent of unemployed and disabled adults actually want to work.

Thankfully, technology is really making headway in helping people with disabilities become productive members of the workforce. With numerous innovations in the realm of tools and resources today—all easily accessible via the internet—the playing field that is the job market has been leveled somewhat. By simply leveraging the internet, people with disabilities now have an improved chance at solid, lucrative careers.


It’s often said that “No man is an island,” which is why networking is a necessary skill to cultivate in the path to career success. Its many benefits are well-known, not the least of which is keeping you in the loop for opportunities, as well as providing you with adequate support—which, in turn, helps your career and personal growth alike.

These days, the internet has made career networking almost second nature, thanks to websites and social media platforms designed for this very purpose, such as LinkedIn. The best part is that you’re no longer limited to geography; you can have a professional network that’s as vast as the world—a real godsend for persons with disabilities who have mobility challenges. You can then leverage this network for your professional pursuits, whether you’re hunting for a job, advancing your career, generating leads, or upgrading skills.

It’s also worth noting that a recruiter can be hugely beneficial to your networking plan. And working with a team like Insight Recruitment can connect you with a variety of career opportunities. Of course, even if your recruiter doesn’t have anything right away, they will at least have you on their radar for when the perfect job comes around.

Finding Opportunities

Aside from your personal network, the internet is also a great way to find job opportunities. Because mobility is one of the most common issues for people with disabilities during job hunting, the ease and accessibility that the internet offers in this regard is a real boon.

Today, there’s no dearth of job boards and employment websites, so finding a job can be as easy as typing up keywords and performing a web search. You can even use a number of parameters to narrow down your search, like industry, level of experience, salary range, and, yes, your eligibility with a disability. There are even job sites that only cater to persons with disabilities, such as the aptly named abilityJOBS.

Personal and Career Development

More than uncovering countless job opportunities for you, the internet is also an incredibly powerful tool for both your career and personal development. You are likely to find all the career-related tools you could possibly need, running the gamut from career planning to resume building. There are even resources that aim to help build your confidence during interviews and beyond.

The web is also a treasure trove of online classes and degree programs, which you can use to either upgrade your skills or even learn new ones altogether. You can find courses in everything from additional IT certification to an accounting or business degree online. Increasing your tech skill set is particularly worthy of consideration. Not only is it a great way to spruce up your resume, but it also exponentially boosts your chances of getting hired.

It bears reminding that with so much time spent on the internet looking for work, networking or boosting your skills, you’re opening yourself up to security issues if you’re not careful. For peace of mind, be proactive in setting up a digital security plan that protects you and your devices.

The challenges of the job market might seem daunting when you have a disability, but the fact is that these challenges are far from insurmountable. Like a good friend, technology has your back, so take advantage of the many tools and resources that it offers to move closer to your success.



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